Stinger Detox Review: ’The Buzz’ Deep System Cleanser & Stinger 7 Day Detox

Stinger detox whole body cleanser is one product in the range, which I will explain to you in a moment. But let me just address this point about a “cleanser”, because it’s misleading and fools people.

Stinger Detox

Stinger detox is a really well-known range of detox drinks. They sell a lot of them, and they are marketed widely. But are Stinger detox reviews accurate?

In this full review, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. Is this a whole-body cleanser, and how does it work? I will analyze all six of the Stinger detox range products, and tell you what the differences are.

We will talk about how a proper detox drink should work, and whether the ingredients in Stinger detox can achieve it. I’ve used this stuff to test it, and I know other people who have as well. So I will talk you through the instructions for using it, and how it compares to other detox drinks.

I will finish this full-range Stinger detox review by telling you not only where to buy it (or not) but give you the names of a couple of other drinks you should take a close look at.

What Is The Stinger Detox Whole Body Cleanser?

Stinger detox whole body cleanser is one product in the range, which I will explain to you in a moment. But let me just address this point about a “cleanser”, because it’s misleading and fools people.

I’ll explain how a detox drink works in a moment, but they don’t cleanse you. All they do is push out toxins at a faster rate than natural so that your body takes a bit of time to catch up.

That creates a gap in the toxin flow into your urine. Therefore, you get a few hours (usually three or four) during which you can urinate without toxins in your sample.

But only a good quality detox drink can achieve that while keeping your urine appearing natural, even though it’s been adulterated. So do Stinger detox products work to achieve that?

Stinger Detox Drink Range Explained

People call it Stinger detox, but there isn’t actually a drink called “Stinger detox”.

Stinger detox is the range name, and it consists of six different liquid products:

  • Stinger detox “The Buzz” 5X deep system cleanser
  • Stinger detox 1hr whole body cleanser
  • Stinger detox instant cleanser
  • Stinger detox 5X instant cleanser
  • Stinger detox 5X 7 days permanent cleanse
  • Stinger 5X elite 2-in-1 combo pack

That’s why things can be a bit confusing. But once you look “under the hood” at the ingredients, things become a lot clearer.

Unfortunately, that clarity does not paint a good picture of the potency of this product range, or the claimed differences between them.

My big beef from the start was that there is no explanation of what the 5x strength claim means. Five times stronger than what exactly? There is nothing on the website nor on any of the packaging or even the frequently asked questions that answer that claim.

Looking at the ingredients doesn’t give any answers either. The only thing which changes is the number of milligrams in the (same) proprietary blend mix in each drink. But even that isn’t five times the strength between the basic and the five times stronger claimed products. It basically makes no sense.

This Is How A Detox Drink Should Work In The Body

To create that gap in the toxin flow for long enough to submit a clean sample, a detox drink has to achieve the following things completely:

  1. It floods the body with liquid. It has to be a big enough volume of liquid to make you urinate more frequently than usual, but without completely flooding the body, so your sample is hopelessly diluted for hours.
  2. At the same time, it will help to push out more toxins by containing diuretics and ingredients proven to push toxins out faster, so that a larger volume of urine coming out will contain all of those toxins from the kidneys all the way through the urinary tract. This creates a gap of several hours between fresh toxins being processed by the kidneys and then appearing in your urine again.
  3. A good detox drink has to be smart enough in its composition to flood the body with key things found in urine. It has to do this in the correct balance as well, so that they are passed through as waste due to the volume, and appear in your urine in the correct balance as well.
  4. On top of all this, a good quality detox drink has to stain the urine the correct color so that it doesn’t appear diluted/adulterated.

Stinger Detox ‘ The Buzz’ Deep System Cleanser Instructions

I tested Stinger detox “The Buzz”. I bought a bottle online from Amazon. Prime delivery got it to me the next day, and it only cost me $20.

The first thing that struck me is the fact it’s a very small 8 fluid ounces bottle. It’s all about volume with detox drinks. You’ll need more of the good ingredients for bigger body sizes.

16 fluid ounces drinks, like small Detoxify products and QCarbo16, just don’t cut it unless you have very low toxin levels, or are very small in body size and low in body fat levels, and even then, it’s dubious.

For me, the only ones that work are the full 32 fluid-ounce drinks that are stuffed full of the key ingredients you require for the drink to work.

So Stinger detox the Buzz deep system cleanser is four times smaller in terms of its volume of smart liquid than I would have expected.

These are the Stinger detox Buzz instructions:

  1. You must do a 48 hour detox. That’s explicitly stated. You must also abstain from all dairy products (these can slow down the removal of toxins). That means that for a drug test at short notice, Stinger detox The Buzz is utterly useless.
  2. 90 minutes before your test you drink the contents of the Stinger detox bottle. Do it over a couple of minutes.
  3. Then you’ll refill the bottle four times and drink that water. Yes, four times, for a total of an additional 32 fluid ounces of water.
  4. You’ll then need to urinate at least three times over the next hour. That leaves you about 30 minutes to get your test. You’ll need to submit your sample within about two or three hours.

7 Day Stinger Detox Instructions

Instructions for the 7 day Stinger detox permanent cleanse are even more straightforward. You simply take one tablespoon in the morning, and another at night. During that seven days, you abstain from toxins and live a healthy lifestyle.

At the end of the seven days, it’s claimed you will be permanently clean, regardless of the levels of toxins you had in your body.

Stinger Detox 5X Elite 2-In-1 Combo Pack Instructions

These are the instructions for the Stinger detox elite combo pack:

  1. You must do a 48 hour detox before the day of your test and abstain from all dairy products.
  2. 90 minutes before your test drink the contents of the bottle down in about two minutes.
  3. Refill the bottle four times and drink that significant 32 fluid ounces of additional water as well.
  4. While you are drinking the water also take the four included cleanse capsules.
  5. During this time, and for 60 minutes after, make sure to urinate frequently (at least three times).

Does Stinger Detox Work? – Not Really…

To answer the question of if Stinger detox products work, you have to look at the ingredients. That will tell you most of the story around does Stinger detox work to pass a drug test. In terms of the Stinger detox whole body cleanser, The Buzz, instant cleanser, and 5X instant cleanser, the truth is they are all almost identical.

They all contain a lot of sugar, and not a lot else. The sugar content is incredible as well, 100% of your recommended daily allowance in two of the drinks. The proprietary blend only contains four ingredients and they are the same ingredients in every single drink. The only thing that is different is the total amount in milligrams.

The highest is the 5X instant cleaner, containing 800 mg. The lowest contains 400 mg.

Looking at the ingredients in the proprietary blend, none of them have a huge track record of helping to draw toxins out of the body, and the total dose in the bottle is absolutely tiny. Look, all of those basic drinks from Stinger detox are useless. They are sugared water. There’s nothing in them which is going to work on drug toxins.

The only way they work is by the sheer volume of liquid you are consuming flushing you out, but then, as many Amazon reviews point out, samples are recorded as diluted.

It’s the same with the seven-day cleanser. The total dose in the bottle of the proprietary blend is 700 mg, along with 50 g of sugar.

So in each dose, you are only getting 50 mg of a proprietary blend, and as I pointed out, that’s useless. You are literally taking highly sugared water twice per day. Even worse, you are spreading that tiny dose over seven days rather than 90 minutes.

In summary:

  • Stinger detox doesn’t contain strong enough proprietary blend
  • The overall ingredients to draw out toxins are almost non-existent
  • The low price should tell you it’s quality
  • You are basically buying flavored water
  • The sugar content is incredible (diabetics will struggle badly)
  • Compared to the market leader it’s worthless
  • None of the products in the Stinger range are good

What Do Stinger Detox Reviews Say?

“This worked but my sample was diluted and thankfully that wasn’t a problem at all. When I urinated it did look pale and it was commented on by either guy doing the test. He said it might be diluted and asked if I’d been drinking a lot of water, so of course, I said I had because I was nervous and had a dry throat while I was walking so had a bottle of water. I only didn’t need much to pass. It came back and passed but was flagged as diluted. Thankfully, from my employer that wasn’t an issue”

“Look this doesn’t work at all it’s not good quality stuff – not the real deal at all. I’m a heavy guy and a heavy smoker and follow the instructions to the letter it said you required two bottles so I used two bottles. Came back strongly positive for cannabis and utterly useless, not recommended.”

“This isn’t the real deal at all. 180 lbs, take a little of a few illegal things each week but nothing major, and generally fit and healthy with an active lifestyle. Passed a previous drug test with a detox drink and wish I’d use that again. Stinger detox did nothing and I failed.”

Best Detox Drink #1: Rescue Cleanse

The conclusion of Stinger detox reviews like this should be unequivocal that it doesn’t work. The ingredients are not going to flush you out, the volume of liquid isn’t enough, and you are going to dilute your sample. This is pure snake oil in a plastic bottle.

The best detox drinks out there as comparison is Rescue Cleanse. That’s a full 32 fluid ounces liquid bottle, and you don’t drink any additional water.

It’s got a great track record, with tons of positive and real reviews out there across a lot of different sites, forums, and social media.

Instructions are incredibly simple. Drink the contents of the bottle, then urinate frequently for over 60 minutes. Then go and submit your sample within five hours (but if you’re a regular smoker I’d suggest your clean zone is going to only be about three hours).

Overall though, Rescue Cleanse is the best of the bunch and far superior to Stinger detox because it actually contains ingredients that can draw out toxins and keep your urine appearing naturally balanced.

You can purchase Rescue Cleans and other detox products from this webshop.

Best Detox Drink #2: Mega Clean

The next best detox drink is Mega Clean. This is another full 32 fl oz bottle of concentrated liquid.

With Mega Clean you do have to refill the bottle and drink another 32 fluid ounces. But you’re getting a large enough hit of smart liquid in the bottle but that’s not diluted your sample, it’s just purely flushing you out more.

My top tip though is to buy Mega Clean from a company called Test Clear. Don’t get it from a general marketplace site.

My reasoning is that when you buy it from there you will get six pre-rid pills bundled in completely free. That will allow you to do a 24-hour detox the day before your test and push out far more toxins than you can naturally.

Whether you use Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean, I do still recommend a 48 hour detox if you can, but with these two potent drinks, if you can’t manage that, it’s not going to be a problem.

In fact, Rescue Cleanse on its own, and Mega Clean with the pre-rid pills for 24 hours are good enough to pass a drug test even if you are a regular user or smoker.

I know, because I passed a drug test for pre-employment using these, and I’ve tested both in the past few months at home with home drug test kits, and I tested negative for cannabis use on both 90 minutes after finishing the process.

Just make sure that you buy some home drug test kits with your detox drink of choice. They will tell you if you are clean and allow you to confidently go and submit your sample.

If you can’t get clean, then you should either drink another detox drink (so purchase two), urinate a couple of times and then head off, or use the best alternative strategy outlined below.

Best Alternative Strategy: Sub Solution Synthetic Urine

The best alternative strategy to a detox drink is to use fake urine to pass a drug test.

You can only do this if it’s an unsupervised drug test. That’s where you are invited to go behind a screen or into another room to submit your sample. That way, you can’t be seen pouring a fake sample into the specimen cup.

Sub Solution is the best brand out there to achieve a negative test result with ease. It contains 14 chemicals found in urine, looks like it, froths like it, and even smells like it. It will pass all levels of initial scrutiny and validity testing.

The biggest reason fake urine fails is actually that it’s submitted outside the correct temperature range. Legally, it has to be between 90°F and 100°F to be accepted.

The problem with most fake urine is it uses heatpads to keep the sample warm until you submit it, and that’s quite variable. If it cools, what do you do?

With Sub Solution you don’t need to do a thing. Just before you go into the building to submit your sample, you will tap in about one-third of the heat activator powder included. Shake it gently until it dissolves, and watch the temperature strip.

If it doesn’t register, add a little more. You need to get the sample as close to 100°F as possible without going over that. You can purchase it Clear Choice.

So don’t use Stinger detox. Use Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean. Do a 24-hour detox if possible.

Your plan B should be a second detox drink, or if it’s unsupervised, then you could submit a fake sample (I’d even suggest that if it’s unsupervised it’s probably best to just go with fake urine in the first place).